5 hoteluri de vis in Europa
Planuiti un weekend-escape special? Ce ati spune de un hotel cu vedere spre centrul Romei? Sau o vila in Dubrovnik unde a stat chiar Morgan Freeman? Iata lista noastra cu hoteluri...de vis! Destinatie: Paris Hotel Castille Paris-ul e tot timpul o buna idee, pentru un weekend relaxant. Dar cum e…read moreViziteaza Taormina
“Daca cineva ar petrece doar o zi in Sicilia si ar intreba: Ce ar trebui sa vad? Voi raspunde fara ezitare: Taormina” Guy de Maupassant E putin spus m-am indragostit de acest micut oras sicilian. Am fost pur si simplu cucerita, de atmosfera, de culori si de mireasma citrica a…read moreSejur Taormina: Villa Arianna
Planuiti un sejur in Sicilia si sunteti in cautarea unui loc special de cazare? Ei bine, merita sa incercati vilele din zona plajelor. Personal sunt dependenta de hoteluri si de confortul oferit de acestea. Insa pentru prima data, in Sicilia mi-am dorit sa incerc altceva, mai aproape de spiritul locului…read moreThe legend of the Moorish Heads of Sicily
If you’re visiting Sicily, you must have noticed the balconies, colourful and scented, but mostly bizarrely decorated with ceramics representing Moorish heads. This motif grew so much in popularity, since Dolce&Gabbana used it as well in their summer collection, creating much controversy. The art of ceramics is very popular in…read moreCapri: Sfinxul de la San Michele
Pentru Axel Munthe, sfinxul de granit rosu pe care visa sa-l aduca la San Michele era o obsesie. Dar era doar o obsesie de colectionar? " Un om poate suporta mult, cat timp se poate suporta pe el insusi...Cand am incetat a mai dormi, am scris aceasta carte." isi explica…read moreWhat to do in Capri: Tips for an amazing trip
I know I have a thing for islands, don't I? Well, this time, it's a European destination, close-by, still a tiny heaven simply breathtaking and ultra glamorous. No wonder this is where celebrities love to spend their vacations. Accessible by ferry from Naples, Capri is a hi-luxury destination, where you…read moreCapri –despre imparati romani si fashion victims
Gandindu-ma la Capri, imi vin in minte doua lucruri, imparatii romani si magazinele de lux, strazile pline de turisti eleganti, sorbind cu nesat din paharele reci de Bellini, purtand pantofi Gucci si genti Prada. E ciudata alaturarea, unii ar numi-o chiar blasfemie, insa daca ma gandesc mai bine, iubitorii de…read moreCannes, pe urmele unei printese
Crestem inconjurati de povesti cu printese. Unele mai frumoase decat altele. Viata insa nu este un basm. Viata este asa cum alegi tu sa o traiesti...Si, da, uneori in holul unui hotel, poti intalni printul viselor tale... Povestea printesei Grace Kelly m-a fascinat dintotdeuna. Fiindca e atat de reala, fiindca…read moreHoteluri boutique de vis in Londra
Nu stiu altii cum sunt, insa pentru mine alegerea hotelului pentru un week-end escape este foarte importanta. Cea mai importanta. Locatia este cea care iti transmite o stare de spirit anume si te transpune intr-o poveste pe care trebuie sa o traiesti. In luna februarie, ne gandim la cele mai…read moreLondon: I am a Lion’s Cub
It's raining outside and while searching on google for travel rain pictures, surprise: most pictures are from rainy, foggy London. It got me thinking that I have to write about London, one of the top must- see cities in the world. I love rain and I love London, but I…read moreVenice escape
It took me such a long time to decide upon visiting Venice. I still don't know why. But the first time I finally did, it was love at first "gondola". I returned in less than 6 months and hope to return again and again. Venice in now ranked high in my…read moreTravel destination: Capri
Time for a week-end escape? What about Bella Italia! Find the calm and relaxation of the beautiful and luxurious Capri. What to pack? Our choices : cosy espadrilles from Stella McCartney,Wildfox sunglasses, a few chic t-shirts ( check out Dsquared or the themed Dolce&Gabbana for spring 2016) and don't forget…read moreViziteaza Cannes: Le Suquet-orasul vechi
O vizita in Cannes nu e completa, daca nu ajungeti in zona orasului vechi-Le Suquet. In plus, aveti parte de o frumoasa panorama asupra portului si zonei La Croisette. Este locul ales de fotografi pentru shootinguri spectaculoase:) Stradutele inguste medievale sunt pline de magazine si restaurante in cel mai pur…read moreCraciun in Cannes
Fiecare oras are deja o traditie in ceea ce priveste Craciunul. Ce ziceti insa de un Craciun pe Coasta de Azur? Chiar daca zapada lipseste si temperaturile sunt super placute, "Le jardin de Noel" din centrul orasului Cannes are o atmosfera festiva: reni, Mos Craciun si multe delicii de sezon:)…read moreSighisoara romantism medieval
My first post about Sighisoara was related to the "after-dark" medieval atmosphere and the shadows of 16th century legends. However, Sighisoara has another side, the romantic one, bright and colourful, with knights and princesses and lovely medieval songs. Between 23 th- 26th of July, this world turns to life…read moreGhid de week-end la Milano
Cand zici Milano, zici Prada si Leonardo da Vinci, desi, trebuie sa recunoastem alaturarea e aproape un sacrilegiu. Descopera Milano si alege locurile favorite pe care le poti vizita chiar si intr-un weekend. 1. Domul din Milano Catedrala in stil gothic este a treia cea…read moreSighisoara : Through a mirror, darkly
I've been travelling a lot lately in medieval citadels all over Europe, diving metaphorically in Middle Age stories, superstitions, misconceptions and religious beliefs on the other hand. My last stop: Sighisoara- the pearl of Transylvania. A trip back in time. As the sun goes down, the citadel takes the colours…read morePrague: History with beer
I've spent my birthday with 15 strangers talking history, sightseeing with a bottle of beer in my Michael Kors jetsetter bag. In Prague. PS: I dont carry beer in my bag, on normal basis 🙂 I doubt that's legal anywhere in the world. But when in Prague, we do it…read moreVia Krupp- Capri
Magical Capri! Via Krupp! Make sure you walk...the line!read moreStonehenge- inca un mister
Sunt foarte la moda city-break-urile in marile orase europene. Fiecare turist are motivele lui pentru care alege o destinatie sau alta. Londra este clar o destinatie must have, fie ca va doriti sa explorati muzeele, barurile sau sa faceti shopping in celebrul Harrods. Dupa cateva zile petrecute in Londra (…read more
Chic Escapes
life is all about the journey