Stonehenge- inca un mister

Sunt foarte la moda city-break-urile in marile orase europene. Fiecare turist are motivele lui pentru care alege o destinatie sau alta.  Londra este clar o destinatie must have, fie ca va doriti sa explorati muzeele, barurile sau sa faceti shopping in celebrul Harrods. Dupa cateva zile petrecute in Londra ( absolut superbe, cu o vreme de vis) am stiut rapid ca imi doresc o excursie de o zi in apropiere, la Stonehenge, unul dintre locurile pe care mi le aminteam perfect din cartile de engleza.

Detalii despre bilete si preturi gasiti aici.

Imi amintesc si acum fascinatia povestilor din jurul acestei constructii.  Erau doar povesti despre druizi, despre regele Arthur, despre magicianul Merlin, intrebari si discutii interminabile intre copii, cum, de ce si mai ales cum au fost ridicate acele blocuri uriase de 7 tone.

Misterioasa constructie, este probabil cea mai veche din Europa, datand din perioada preistorica, acum aproape 5000 de ani. Cine a construit-o, de ce, inca nu se stie cu siguranta. Sunt multe teorii, iar cercetarile continua.

S-a crezut mult timp, ca druizii sunt responsabili de constructie. Ei au locuit in zona, inaintea venirii romanilor. Insa cercetarile moderne, au aratat ca structura dateaza cu mult inaintea druizilor, ceea ce inseamna ca altii au fost constructorii. Cine?

S-a decoperit insa sursa unor blocuri de piatra la aproximativ 240 de km, spre Tara Galilor. Unii specialisti afirma ca acesti monoliti au ajuns in campia Salisbury in urma miscarilor ghetarilor, altii sunt convinsi ca au fost transportati prin puterea umana. Cum? Inca nu e foarte clar.

Semnele de intrebare continua si in privinta scopului. Se stie ca in perioada neoliticului, oamenii construiau altare si zone sacre prin care sa se apropie de cer. Sa fi fost un altar inchinat Soarelui? Loc de jerfa? Loc de rugaciune? Centru tamaduitor?

Sunt multe intrebari? Multe mistere si povesti. Este probabil ceea ce inca fascineaza in legatura cu Stonehenge.

E un mister, ce ramane la fel de nepatruns, pe masura ce il admire semet , in mijlocul campii Salisbury.


City-breaks in major European cities have become quite fashionable lately . Every tourist has his reasons for choosing a destination or another. London is clearly a must have on every Bucket list, whether you want to explore museums , bars or do shopping in the famous Harrods . After a few days in London ( absolutely gorgeous, with dream weather) I knew quickly that I want a day trip nearby to Stonehenge , one of the places that I remember perfectly from  the English books.

Details about prices and tickets HERE

I still remember the fascination around this construction: the  druids stories , with King Arthur , Merlin the magician,  questions and endless discussions between children, how, why , and especially how did they raise these huge blocks of 7 tons .

The mysterious ancient site is probably the oldest in Europe , dating from the prehistoric period , almost 5000 years ago . Who built it , why, nobody knows for sure. There are many theories , and research continues . It was long believed that the Druids are responsible for construction. They lived in the area before the arrival of the Romans . But modern research showed that the structure dates back long before the Druids , which means that others were the  builders . Who? It has been discovered the source of stone blocks at about 240 km, in Wales. Some experts say that these monoliths have reached Salisbury Plain following the movements of glaciers , others are convinced that they have been transported by human power . How ? Still not very clear. Question marks continue in terms of purpose . It is known that during the Neolithic , people built shrines and sacred areas in order  to approach the sky. It was a shrine dedicated to the Sun ? Place of the sacrifice ? Place of prayer ? Healing center ? There are many questions. Many mysteries and stories . These question marks is what still  fascinates about Stonehenge.

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