I've been travelling a lot lately in medieval citadels all over Europe, diving metaphorically in Middle Age stories, superstitions, misconceptions and religious beliefs on the other hand. My last stop: Sighisoara- the pearl of Transylvania. A trip back in time. As the sun goes down, the citadel takes the colours and shadows of the past,…
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Prague: History with beer
I've spent my birthday with 15 strangers talking history, sightseeing with a bottle of beer in my Michael Kors jetsetter bag. In Prague. PS: I dont carry beer in my bag, on normal basis :) I doubt that's legal anywhere in the world. But when in Prague, we do it the czech way. I am…
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A Beach less Traveled
I told you before about my passion to collect books from all over the world, during my trips. I'm a book lover anyway and this gives me the chance to get a better feeling of the destination I'm visiting. So while visiting St Maarten, I discovered one morning this book, guess what, with the authors…
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China- dincolo de Orasul Interzis
In liceu dezvoltasem o reala pasiune pentru China si uneori ma intreb care ar fi fost drumul meu, daca mi-as fi urmat imboldul adolescentin de a studia chineza. Privind in urma, cred ca acum 15 ani, ar fi fost un pas curajos, dar plin de oportunitati, avand in vedere cautarea pe care o au astazi…
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Viziteaza Shanghai: Tunelul subacvatic catre istorie
Orasul Shanghai mi-a aparut prima data in vis. Cand am ajuns cu adevarat acolo, zona Pudong si celebrul The Bund m-au cucerit pe loc. Am calatorit prin istorie, din trecut in viitor, prin tunelul acvatic ce traverseaza raul Huangpu. Orasul Shanghai a avut o istorie tumultoasa prin nori de opium, devenind dintr-un mic sat pescaresc,…
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