Am asociat dintotdeauna orasul Los Angeles cu filmele si viata vedetelor de la Hollywood, cu Beverly Hills, Melrose Place, Baywatch, Sunset Beach si toate sitcomurile ce m-au facut sa visez in anii adolescentei. Am descoperit cu surprindere Los Angeles-ul, ca un urias platou de filmare, pe care il cunosteam atat de bine. Nu e o…
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Yosemite National Park
Nu stiu de ce vremea de afara ma duce cu gandul la Parcul National Yosemite. Probabil peisajul toamnei si culorile in permanenta schimbare. ( SEE BELOW ENGLISH VERSION) Daca v-ati dorit vreodata sa vizitati marile parcuri nationale ale Americii, povestea mea va poate fi de folos. Nu imi plac road trip-urile oricat as incerca, insa…
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Must do in Los Angeles
Planning your trip to LA? Here is my list of must-dos: put on a nice dress, rent a convertible and enjoy a few days of Hollywood glamour! Whether your choose a tour movie studios, sightseeing in LA's nightclubs or strolling along Santa Monica BLV, make sure you Do it in LA style! Rodeo Drive shopping…
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Santa Monica Pier: Sunset is still my favourite color
"Some are like water, some are like the heat Some are a melody and some are the beat Sooner or later they all will be gone Why don't they stay young?" I am no doubt a sunset-person. I love this shifting moment of the day when everything changes. While visiting Los Angeles, I couldn't have…
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Viziteaza Florida: Kennedy Space Center
"We have dreamed big" Una dintre cele mai populare destinatii in Florida, Kennedy Space Center este locul perfect pentru o excursie cu familia, mai ales daca aveti copii. Complexul turistic prezinta povestea programului spatial lansat de americani, pas cu pas de-a lungul anilor, intr-o maniera interactiva, distractiva, dar mai ales educationala. Kennedy Space Center, inaugurat…
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Imagini de basm: case impodobite de Craciun
Ati vazut in filmele americane casele impodobite cu mii de ghirlande, reni si spiridusi cu beculete multicolore? Ei bine, sunt foarte reale si chiar mai frumoase in realitate. Key West in luna decembrie devine un taram de basm....mai ceva ca in filme. Key West este cel mai sudic punct al Statelor Unite, renumit prin celebra…
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Key West Sunset: Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing
Key West is the southernmost point of the United States, the southernmost point of Florida situated at 140 km from Cuba. The place is absolutely amazing, the parties don't seem to ever stop here. if you are in Key West, one of the top 5 things to do is enjoying the celebrations of the sunset…
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Top Celebrity Houses to see on Miami Tour Boat
I absolutely love Miami and I have said it already many times. I love the Cuban, Spanish mixture, the noise, the colours, the high modern downtown, the bold pink and blue cars parked along South Beach area, the bars and restaurants, the nice weather and the huge margaritas. Miami has been the location in many movies…
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Miami: recharge!
What is your favourite winter destination? When the cold weather hits Europe with temperatures -15 , Miami is the magic place I always dream of. I call it magic, because it feels magical the chance I got to return here again ...and again. And every time I discover new places, a take a new tour or just…
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New York : Wish Big
Cred ca New York-ul este una dintre cele mai frumoase destinatii in perioada Sarbatorilor de iarna. E groaznic de frig, ce-i drept, insa magia orasului pare la propriu rupta din filme. Fara sa vrei, simti ca retraiesti pe rand magia din filmele "Miracol pe strada 34", "Home Alone", "Sex and the City" sau "Gossip Girl".…
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