Gandindu-ma la Capri, imi vin in minte doua lucruri, imparatii romani si magazinele de lux, strazile pline de turisti eleganti, sorbind cu nesat din paharele reci de Bellini, purtand pantofi Gucci si genti Prada.
E ciudata alaturarea, unii ar numi-o chiar blasfemie, insa daca ma gandesc mai bine, iubitorii de moda si imparatii romani au ceva in comun, hedonismul, caci ce altceva ar cauta ambele categorii pe o insula de o frumusete ireala, scufundata parca intre ape azurii.
Insula este impartita in cele doua orase, Capri si Anacapri, situate la inaltime, cu o vedere spectaculoasa asupra golfurilor, Marina Grande, portul principal si Marina Picola fiind principalele atractii.
Existenta insulei Capri este legata de imparatii romani, in anul 29 AD, imparatul Augustus a ajuns in Capri, in drumul sau spre Roma. S-a indragosit de acest loc, pe care l-a luat din administratia napoletana, oferindu-le in schimb Ischia. Apoi succesorul sau, Tiberius, a transformat insula in “exilul sau de aur”, stabilindu-se in ultimii ani de viata aici, intr-un exces de petreceri si orgii.
Daca sunteti pasionati de istorie sau macar de privelisti ravasitoare, trebuie sa incercati hotelul situat in Anacapri, pe marginea unei stanci abrute, purtand chiar numele imparatului Caesar Augustus. Motto-ul hotelului m-a inspirat “"Never settle for less than your dreams", insa privelistea a depasit cu mult asteptarile.
Pentru mai putin dramatism, insa un stil italian autentic, hotelul boutique din apropiere, este o alegere la fel de inspirata.
Ambele hoteluri sunt foarte aproape de un obiectiv major al insulei, Villa San Michelle, o locatie unica, fosta locuinta a celebrului doctor si psihiatru Axel Munthe. Casa ascunde o poveste tulburatoare ( promit sa o spun alta data), dar este si locul undva puteti bucura de o priveliste unica. Casa a fost construita langa o capela, iar terasa ofera privelisti unice asupra golfului. Un sfinx impunator troneaza pe terasa, privind sfidator spre fiecare rasarit de soare deasupra apelor azurii. Cum a ajuns sfinxul aici, sau daca era deja din perioada imparatului Tiberiu, nu se stie sigur. Legende circula multe.
Ajunsa in Anacapri, am descoperit intr-un album al hotelului, o poza cu Muntele Solaro, dominat de statuia imparatului Roman Augustus, ce strajuieste parca de sus, insula scaldata de razele soarelui, cu o vedere unica asupra celebrelor Faraglioni. A devenit instant locul in care trebuia sa ajung, un salut la inaltime pe care trebuia sa il am fata in fata cu marele imparat.
Monte Solaro insa, este cel mai inalt punct al insulei ( 589 m) , iar in varf se poate ajunge in urma unei plimbari cu funicularul de 12 min. Totul simplu, pana m-am trezit suspendata intr-un scaun deasupra panoramei de altfel splendide. Mai e cazul sa spun ca eram o adevarata fashionista, imbracata intr-o rochie alba, peste costumul de plaja si cu papuci in picioare?
12 minute au parut o eternitate si in ciuda privelistii unice, calatoria in sine m-a speriat teribil, scaunul suspendat de un fir, nu mi s-a parut foarte comod ca sa nu spun potrivit cu tinuta mea stylish. Pot doar sa va recomand, daca aveti frica de inaltime, cabine suspendate, funiculare, etc, nu incercati aceasta calatorie.
Dar ce nu face un impatimit pentru o poza cu marele AugustusJ
Privelistea a meritat pe deplin supliciul celor 12 minute in scaunul suspendat.
L-am salutat admirativ pe Imparatul Augustus si am admirat minute in sir privelistea unica. Mi-am tras sufletul sorbind un pahar de Prosecco, ascultand 'Parlami d'amore Mariu' si visand la faraglioni ce se zareau micuti in departare...
Drumul inapoi a fost la fel de palpitant. Nu am mai vrut sa cobor cu funicularul ( de mica, coborarea mi se pare cea mai periculoasa panta:) . Asadar am luat-o la pas, pe trasul plin de "sagetute si indicatoare", pana la baza muntelui. Conform pliantului pe care il aveam in mana, traseul nu dura mai mult de 1 h si 20 min. Aceasta era probabil timpul estimativ, pentru cei sportivi, pregatiti de trasee, cu rucsac si provizii de apa, imbracati corespunzator, in pantaloni scurti si adidasi, pentru cei care nu tipa la fiecare soparla minuscula ce traverseaza poteca sau fuge speriata prin tufisuri.
Pe scurt am coborat "agale" Monte Solaro, prin soare, printre soparlite la fel de speriate ca mine, admirand la fiecare pas privelistea unica. Nu mai e cazul sa spun, ca tinuta mea, nu era nici de aceasta data potrivita. Insa Capri, este cum am spus insula fashion victimelor.
Thinking of Capri , two things come to mind : Roman emperors and luxurious stores, streets full of elegant tourists, drinking Bellini , wearing Gucci shoes and Prada bags .
It's strange connection, I know, some would even call it blasphemy , but if you think about it, fashion victims and Roman emperors have something in common: hedonism, because what else would both seek both on such a surreal island , sunken between azure waters.
The island is divided into two administrative areas/ towns , Capri and Anacapri, ( the latter situated at height , with a spectacular view of the bays.
Capri has two main ports: Marina Grande, the main one where your boats arrives from Naples and Marina Piccola, smaller on the other side of the island.
Capri existence is linked to Roman emperors. In 29 AD , Emperor Augustus arrived in Capri, on his way to Rome. He felt in love with this place and took it from Napolitan administration by giving them in exchange Ischia. Then his successor, Tiberius , turned the island into "his golden exile " , settling down here in the last years of his life, living a life of excess parties and orgies. If you are passionate about history or at least ravishing sights, you must try this hotel located in Anacapri , on the edge of a cliff . The hotel motto inspired me " Never Settle for less than your dreams " , but the view has far exceeded the expectations . For less dramatic , but an authentic Italian style , go for the boutique hotel nearby; it is an equally inspired choice .
Both hotels are very close to a major attraction of the island, Villa San Michelle , a unique location, the former home of the famous doctor and psychiatrist Axel Munthe. The house hides a disturbing story (I promise to tell you another time ), but it is also the place one can enjoy a unique view . The house was built near a chapel and the terrace offers magnificent views over the bay . An imposing sphinx dominates the terrace, watching quietly each sunrise over the azure waters . How did the sphinx get here , or if it was already here during Emperor Tiberius, not sure . Legends travel more .
Arrived in Anacapri , we found in the hotel album a picture of Mount Solaro , dominated by the statue of Roman emperor Augustus , which guards the upper park , a spectacular view point offering a unique view on the famous Faraglioni . It became instant a place where I had to get , in order to be face to face with the great emperor.
Monte Solaro, however, is the highest point of the island ( 589 m ) and the summit can be reached after a 12 min funicular ride . All simple, until I woke up in a suspended chair above the otherwise splendid panorama. No need to say that I was a true fashionista, wearing a white dress over beachwear with slippers in my feet? 12 minutes seemed an eternity and despite the unique sight, the journey itself scared me terribly. I can only recommend if you have fear of heights, cableways , etc. , do not attempt this journey. But what doesn't a great enthusiastic for a picture with the Great Augustus? The view was worth the 12 minutes ordeal in the suspended seat. I greeted the Emperor Augustus and admired the scenerey for minutes. I pulled my soul sipping a glass of Prosecco , listening "Parlami d’amore Mariu" and dreaming of the little Faraglioni in the distance .
The way back was just as thrilling . I never wanted to get on the funicular ( descending seemed more dangerous 🙂 . So I took the steps , the forest marked alley, down the hill. According to the leaflet that I had in hand , the route was not supposed to take more than 1 hour and 20 min . This was probably estimated time for the atheletic type tourists, with backpacks and water supplies , properly dressed in shorts and sneakers , for those who do not yell at each tiny lizard crossing the trail or running away scared in the bushes. In short we descended " slowly " Monte Solaro, among lizards as scared as me, admiring the unique scenery at every turn . No need to say again, that my outfit was not right this time either . But Capri is as I said , is the land of Fashion Victims.