Nu demult, acum mai bine de 50 de ani, zona Emiratelor era doar un desert nesfarsit, ostil, populat de triburi nomade de beduini. Descoperirea petrolului in anii 60 a schimbat peste noapte totul. Povestile au prins viata, visele s-au transformat in realitate, imaginatia a depasit limitele, omul a cucerit natura. Emiratele sunt azi la 43de ani de la creare, un simbol al puterii, dar mai ales al unei viziuni.
Tot expresia unei viziuni este si resortul Qasr al Sarab, un loc magic ascuns intre dune, aproape ireal. Qasr Al Sarab este o experienta unica in viata , pentru turistii pasionati de calatoriile initiatice, Qasr Al Sarab este un palat in desert, o oaza in mijlocul dunelor miscatoare, unde sufletul se opreste pentru o clipa sa surprinda eternitatea. Decorul este absolut regal, insa nu stilul opulent te cucereste ci peisajul care te lasa mut de uimire. Esti prins intr-o poveste din 1001 de nopti, esti prins intre trecut si viitor, intre traditii si arome orientale, camile, wifi si masini puternice de teren. Trecutul, prezentul si viitorul se intalnesc in cel mai opulent stil posibil, ascunse intre zidurile inalte ale unui palat, intr-un peisaj infinit de desert.
La 180 de km de Abu Dhabi, dupa o calatorie spre inima desertului Liwa, ascuns printre dune rosiatice, resortul Qasr Al Sarab pare desprins dintr-o poveste cu printi arabi.
Hotelul este construit in cel mai pur si luxos stil arab, ca o fortareata in inima dunelor, un palat al mirajelor, unde jocul de lumini, aromele imbitoare, traditiile milenare se imbina armonios intr-o experienta unica pentru orice calator. Oriunde privesti, din balconul propriei vile, de la terasa unde servesti micul dejun, din biblioteca plina de carti vechi arabesti, din piscine sau de la spa, vezi un singur lucru : dune nesfarsite ce isi schimba necontenit culorile sub miscarea soarelui.
Hotelul dispunde 206 camere, 42 de vile cu piscine proprii, plus suita regala ( formata din alte 10 vile).
Totul pare construit special pentru suitele regale, insa oaspetii hotelul sunt in mare parte turisti obisnuiti, atrasi de misterul dunelor si linistea oazei. Oameni obisnuiti, veniti din toate colturile lumii, inclusiv familii cu copii vin sa se bucure de o experienta de neuitat. Fiecare camera sau vila are o vedere spectaculoasa asupra dunelor, balcoane cu sezlonguri si zone de luat masa, toate construite cu o atentie deosebita pentru intimitate. Rasaritul si apusul sunt doua experiente unice intre dune. Urcusul nu e o usor, ba mai mult cu cat de apropii de varful unei dune, vantul bate mai puternic, esti inconjurat intr-un nor de nisip fin.
Privelistea este insa unica. De fapt, la Qasr privelistea este luxul suprem.
Not long ago, the UAE area was just an endless desert, hostile, populated by nomadic Bedouin tribes. The discovery of oil in the 60s changed everything overnight. The stories came to life, dreams turned into reality, imagination exceeded, man has conquered nature. On December the 2nd, but mostly of a vision.
Also the expression of a vision, Qasr al Sarab resort is a magical place hidden in the dunes , almost unreal . Qasr Al Sarab is a lifetime experience for tourists looking for initiatic journeys , Qasr Al Sarab is a palace in the desert , an oasis in the middle of moving dunes where the heart stops for a moment to catch eternity. The architecture is absolutely regal, but not the opulent style thrills you, is the landscape that leaves you breathless. You are trapped in a story of 1001 nights , you're caught between past and future , between tradition and oriental flavours , camels , wifi and land sports cars . Past, present and future meet in the most opulent style possible hidden between high walls of a palace , in an infinite desert.
At 180 km from Abu Dhabi , after a trip to the heart of Liwa desert , hidden among the reddish dunes , Qasr Al Sarab resort seems detached from a story with Arab princes . The hotel is built in the purest and luxurious Arabian style , as a fortress in the heart of the dunes, a palace of mirages , where the lights , flavours , millenary traditions blend harmoniously into a unique experience for every traveller . Wherever you look , from the balcony of your private villa , the terrace where breakfast is served , library full of old books in Arabic , swimming pool or spa , you see one thing: endless changing colours dunes.
The hotel has 206 rooms , 42 villas with private pools , plus a royal suite ( consisting of 10 other villas).
Everything seems built for the royal suites , but hotel guests are mostly ordinary tourists , attracted by the mystery of dunes and oasis peace . Ordinary people from all over the world, including families with children come to enjoy an unforgettable experience . Each room or villa has a spectacular view of the dunes , balconies with chairs and dining areas , all built with special attention to privacy.
Sunrise and sunset are two unique experiences between dunes. The climb is not easy , the higher you get on the dunes, the stronger the wind, you are surrounded in a cloud of sand.
But the view is unique. In fact, at Qasr Al Sarab - the view is -the ultimate luxury