I know I have a thing for islands, don't I? Well, this time, it's a European destination, close-by, still a tiny heaven simply breathtaking and ultra glamorous. No wonder this is where celebrities love to spend their vacations. [caption id="attachment_4063" align="aligncenter" width="604"] Breathtaking Capri, Italy[/caption] Accessible by ferry from Naples, Capri is a hi-luxury destination,…
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Capri –despre imparati romani si fashion victims
Gandindu-ma la Capri, imi vin in minte doua lucruri, imparatii romani si magazinele de lux, strazile pline de turisti eleganti, sorbind cu nesat din paharele reci de Bellini, purtand pantofi Gucci si genti Prada. E ciudata alaturarea, unii ar numi-o chiar blasfemie, insa daca ma gandesc mai bine, iubitorii de moda si imparatii romani au…
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Venice escape
It took me such a long time to decide upon visiting Venice. I still don't know why. But the first time I finally did, it was love at first "gondola". I returned in less than 6 months and hope to return again and again. Venice in now ranked high in my top 5 favourite cities around…
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Prague: History with beer
I've spent my birthday with 15 strangers talking history, sightseeing with a bottle of beer in my Michael Kors jetsetter bag. In Prague. PS: I dont carry beer in my bag, on normal basis :) I doubt that's legal anywhere in the world. But when in Prague, we do it the czech way. I am…
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Majorca: Hotel Roc Illetas Playa
Am ales sa prezint acest hotel fiindca am fost pur si simplu impresionata de locatie. Trebuie sa recunosc, nu aveam asteptari foarte mari, nu doar de la hotel ci de la intreaga insula. Am ales destinatia in graba, ( ceea ce nu fac de obicei) si am ajuns in Majorca, din Londra cu o cursa…
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