Tag Archives: St Maarten

St Maarten: Princess Juliana waiting for her King, KLM

Pentru pasionatii din lumea intreaga, St Maarten este locul unei povesti de dragoste fara sfarsit. Zi de zi, la ora 12.17, aeroportul Princess Juliana se pregateste pentru sosirea regelui, cel mai iubit avion, imbracat in haine regale, maiestuos, stralucind in lumina soarelui, in toata splendoarea: marele KLM, Boeing 747. O poveste de dragoste, ca o…
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St Maarten: Enjoy your dreams

" The tide rushes in tendery, calmly Hugging her man, the land, the sand All is at her command as she speacks A language of her own..." Ruby Bute It is the smallest island in the world to be shared by two nations, the Kingdom of Netherlands and France, creating a European-influenced vibe with Caribbean…
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Gypsetter: Life as a journey

A fost odata un jetsetter- un hedonist cosmopolit, sofisticat, caruia ii place sa calatoreasca in locuri exotice. Intre timp, a aparut - gypsetter-ul - o imbinare intre spiritul liber al unui "gypsy" si stilul sofisticat al unui "jersetter", un suflet nobil neincatusat, ce pretuieste viata si traieste ficare zi ca o minune, descoperind lumea, calatorind.…
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St Maarten: Infinit blue

St Maarten is the undisputed champion of idleness. The charms of the island are spread over more than 36 beaches, probably more. It takes time to find even the most famous beaches, but with little effort everyone should be able to satisfy their quest for golden sand and turquoise water. Of course, to find the…
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