A fost odata un jetsetter- un hedonist cosmopolit, sofisticat, caruia ii place sa calatoreasca in locuri exotice.
Intre timp, a aparut - gypsetter-ul - o imbinare intre spiritul liber al unui "gypsy" si stilul sofisticat al unui "jersetter", un suflet nobil neincatusat, ce pretuieste viata si traieste ficare zi ca o minune, descoperind lumea, calatorind.
Gypsetter-ii sunt visatorii vesnic in cautare, dornici sa exploreze, sa invete, sa cunoasca. Lumea este un miracol pe care vor sa il traiasca din plin. Fiecare zi este un dar divin, iar fiecare moment devine o amintire valoroasa, o experienta de viata.
Gypsetterii- au o multime de pasiuni, arta, muzica, moda, fotografie, litaratura, etc. Le place sa fie implicati in multe activitati, daca se poate chiar simultan. Energia lor, pare fara sfarsit.
Unii lucreaza, iar in timpul liber isi dedica fiecare secunda pasiunilor, calatoriilor indiferent de locatie. Altii sunt independenti financiar, sau reusesc sa traiasca chiar din calatoriile lor.
Gypsetterii sunt prin definitie niste visatori (si ei mai mult decat oricare altii) isi urmeaza visele, isi traiesc pasiunile la maxim. Au un stil unic, o abordare personala a modei si a ceea ce e trendy pentru ei. Isi traiesc viata dupa propriile norme, suflete boeme, cred in adevar, frumusete si dragoste.
Si au credinta...credinta ca viata ii va duce in final acolo unde e locul lor. Fara nici un dubiu:)
Pentru ca viata e doar o calatorie, nu o destinatie.
FOTO: rochie Cheris.ro
There was once a jetset- a bunch of international hedonists for whom travel was just another form of conspicuous living.
Now there is the gypset- a global tribe of nomads who go wherever the wanderlust leads them - because that is what makes life feel zesty and fun.
Gypsetters are free spirts, unchained souls, in love with the world, who love to travel and discover the world wonders. They treasure the each moment in life, and find ways to enjoy every moment as a life experience.
Some gypsetters have jobs and travel in their free time as much as possible, some are self employed, or manage to make money out of travelling.
Gypsetters have lots of passions, art, literature, music, fashion,photography, you name it. They love to be engaged in many activities, simultaniously if possible. Their energy is endless.
Gypsetters love to dream and they follow their dreams no matter what, but in the same time they are very down to earth. They have a unique style, the jestters unique approach on fashion.
They are very creative, live life according to their own rules, they believe in truth, beauty and love. and they have faith....faith that life takes you where you need to be. They are no wonderers, they are always in search, in search of the world, and in search of themselves.
Dress at Cheris.ro