Apropos de hoteluri preferate si motivele pentru care ajungem sa alegem un hotel anume. Restaurantul cu vedere 360 de grade, situat la etajul 39, a fost motivul pentru care am ales Marriott Marquis, din centrul orasului San Francisco.
Imaginea restaurantului cu vedere panoramica, m-a convins pe loc. Imi place sa descopar lucruri noi, sa experimentez ( stiu pe cineva care ar rade:) si sa urc in cele mai inalte cladiri din lume ( parte dintr-un program propriu de depasire a limitelor si temerilor) .
Revenind, The View este un lounge situat la etajul 39 al hotelului. Puteti lua cina sau servi un cocktail in acest restaurant si daca nu stati la hotel, daca sunteti in zona, merita. Meniul este format din small plates, absolut delicioase (inclusiv desertul). Seara clientii se aduna in zona barului, sau la masute intime, lumina fiind destul de difuza, pentru a putea savura privelistea ( meniurile au insa un led incorporat, cand le deschizi). Cocktailurile sunt fabuloase, dar si motivul pentru care nici una dintre pozele facute nu mi-a reusit:(
Hotelul Marriott Marquis este situat in centrul orasului San Francisco, fiind preferat atat ca destinatie de business cat si pentru turisti. Camerele Hotelului Marriott Marquis San Francisco sunt decorate elegant, au aer conditionat, minbar, unele chiar si vedere panoramice asupra orasului.
Speaking of hotels and drives our decision to choose one hotel over another:
The 360 degree view restaurant , located on floor 39 , was the reason I chose the Marriott Marquis in downtown San Francisco. The image of the restaurant with panoramic view, convinced me instantly. I like to discover new things, to experiment ( I know someone who would laugh 🙂 and climb the tallest buildings in the world ( part of a program to overcome one's limitations and fears ) .
Getting back, The View is a 39 -floor lounge of the hotel. You can dine or enjoy a cocktail in the restaurant even if you do not stay at the hotel. The menu consists of small plates , absolutely delicious (including dessert ) . Evening customers gather in the bar area , or intimate tables , light is quite diffuse , so you can enjoy the view ( a LED embedded menu is of very much help in the dark) . Cocktails are fabulous and the reason why none of the pictures that evening were any good:(
The Marriott Marquis is located in downtown San Francisco , the preferred destination for both business as well as for tourists. Marriott Marquis San Francisco Hotel rooms are elegantly decorated , air- conditioning , minibar and some rooms have even panoramic views.