Ati vazut in filmele americane casele impodobite cu mii de ghirlande, reni si spiridusi cu beculete multicolore? Ei bine, sunt foarte reale si chiar mai frumoase in realitate. Key West in luna decembrie devine un taram de basm....mai ceva ca in filme. Key West este cel mai sudic punct al Statelor Unite, renumit prin celebra…
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Key West Sunset: Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing
Key West is the southernmost point of the United States, the southernmost point of Florida situated at 140 km from Cuba. The place is absolutely amazing, the parties don't seem to ever stop here. if you are in Key West, one of the top 5 things to do is enjoying the celebrations of the sunset…
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Key West: Pe urmele lui Hemingway
Key West este cel mai sudic punct al Statelor Unite, situat la doar 150 km de Cuba. Se poate ajunge intr-o ora cu avionul din Miami, cu masina, traversand superba autostrada suspendata peste ape, sau cu un vas de croaziera. Oraselul este plin de indicatoare Southermost Point, 90 Miles to Cuba, Southermost Beach bar, Southernmost…
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