Tag Archives: tending 2016

Tendinte: Sabotii un must have in 2016

Ce accesorii stylish aruncam in bagaj vara aceasta? Ce ziceti de o pereche de saboti statement? Daca pana acum nu ati dat atentie acestui trend, e cazul sa aruncati o privire spre cele mai noi modele de saboti Gucci sau Fendi. Cu toc, fara toc, cu broderii sau aplicatii luxuriante, sabotii sunt un accesoriu ultra…
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10 designer backpacks for your trips

Ready for some new trips in 2016? I am sure you need some new and stylish suitcases, backpacks and handbags:) How else can you start exploring new cities? Since the modern fashionista is also a globetrotter, designers have included in their 2016 collection lovely models of backpacks to match your expectation and looks! Get inspired…
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