Pregatesc bagajele pentru un weekend-escape, cat se poate de chic. Dupa ce am trecut in revista, palariile ( da, sunt primele pe lista), costumul de baie, ochelarii de soare, tricourile, rochitele casual de zi, gentile cross body si cinci perechi de pantofi, trebuie sa aleg piesa statement a vacantei: rochia maxi.
Rochia lunga maxi, imprimata sau uni mi se pare un element esential pentru orice vacanta: este usor de impachetat, super comfortabila, usor de purtat atat pe timpul zilei cat si pentru cine romantice sau in restaurante ce necesita dress code. Singura problema este alegerea ei: imprimata, in culori neon sau uni?
I am ready to pack for a new chic escape. After going through all the essentials hats ( yes, I start with hats), shades, swim suits, t-shirts and casual easy to wear dresses, cross bags and five different pairs of shoes:) I must take my time to add the statement piece of the getaway: the maxi printed dress.
The Maxi dress is no 1 travel essential dress for any destination. it's easy to pack, super comfortable, easy wear during the day on a bathing suit, and very versatile for the evening. I go for either bold hues or silky neutral.