Acum mai bine de 25 de ani, Samih Sawiris, directorul Orascom Developement gasea o mica oaza, la nord de Hurghada, un loc superb, linistit, pustiu, udat de apele Marii Rosii. Curand prietenii lui Sawiris impresionati de locatie, i s-au alaturat si au inceput sa construiasca. Usor, fiecare cladire, fiecare casa a inflorit in tinutul nu demult pustiu: un nou oras si o noua comunitate se nasteau: El Gouna.
Pe fundal, se vad varfurile stancoase , rosiatic- galbui in lumina soarelui torid ce ocroteste Egiptul de milenii, insule micute fragmentate parca in bucati de puzzle se intind de-a lungul a 10 km de plaja. Orasul resort El Gouna este pur si simplu spectaculos prin simplitate si lux. 17 hoteluri resort construite peste insule, insulite si lagune.
Hotelul de care m-am indragosit este Sheraton Miramar El Gouna: un mix intre stilul arab si egiptean nubian. Constuit pe 9 mini insule, hotelul este inconjurat de gradini luxuriante si lagune. Plaja privata este rasfatul calatorilor sositi din toate colturile lumii sa se bucure de liniste si relaxare. Cuvantul magic este liniste.
Camerele largi au balcoane private si privelisti incantatoare spre laguna. Mi-am petrecut prima noapte in El Gouna asteptand rasaritul deasupra lagunei. Absolut unic. Va recomand locatia, pentru vacante in care va doriti o oaza de liniste, departe de agitatia turistilor:)
Insulele sunt frumos conectate prin poduri arcuite deasupra apelor cristaline ale lagunei. Senzatia de izolare si liniste este totala. Trebuie sa recunosc, a fost singurul hotel in care am inteles, cat de mult inseamna o plaja privata, unde nu te bucuri decat de linistea valurilor si a rasariturilor si apusurilor, sub umbra protectoare a umbrelutelor din palmier.
Twenty five years ago Samih Sawiris, chairman of Orascom Development, El Gouna’s parent company, found a beautiful spot, conveniently located just north of Hurghada on the west coast of the Red Sea.
It wasn’t long before Sawiris’ friends, struck by the splendor of the azure waters and dramatic backdrop of mountains, asked to join him. And the town slowly blossomed into the vibrant community it is today: El Gouna
Built on 10 km of beach with 17 spectacular hotels, the town spreads across islands and lagoons.
My favourite hotel is Sheraton Miramar El Gouna, a magical mix Arabic and Nubian styles. Built on nine islands and surrounded by gardens, it provides an oasis of tranquillity.
Created with relaxation in mind, guest bedrooms are spacious and feature secluded terraces and balconies with views out to lagoons, pools, or the private beaches.
I spend my first night in El Gouna waiting for the sunrise over the lagoon. Absolute peace. I totally recommend this oasis hotel, if you are looking for peace and tranquility, far away from noisy tourists. I loved the private beach, and for the first time I have learned to appreciate it.
El Gouna is a true oasis of peace, where tourists come to enjoy the silence, the view, to listen to sound of waves, while watching the sunrises and sunsets. Simply, tranquility.