Shonda Rhimes : Swagger like Wonder Woman


“I am not lucky. You know what I am? I am smart, I am talented, I take advantage of the opportunities that come my way and I work really, really hard. Don’t call me lucky. Call me a badass.”
― Shonda RhimesYear of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person

E 8 martie si aud inevitabil o discutie despre "gender equity" la prima ora a diminetii. Zambesc usor si imi amintesc amuzata de Wonder Woman, de Shonda Rhimes, de cartea ei "Year of Yes".

Cine a Shonda?

Shonda Rhimes este creatoarea serialelor "Grey's Anatomy", "Scandal","How to get away with murder" , o doamna de "fier" in televiziune, avand in vedere succesul rasunator al serialelor pe care le-a produs, castigatoare a multor premii in televiziune, mintea din " spatele celor mai iubite personaje din ultimii ani, Meridth Grey, Cristina Young, Olivia Pope...

Eram foarte curioasa cum e femeia care a adus la viata astfel de personaje, iar cartea ei lansata in 2015 a devenit printre favoritele mele.

Cartea ne  dezvaluie o fata nevazuta a Shondei, o femeie obisnuita, timida, dar increzatoare in propriile puteri si in talentul ei. Obisnuita sa "raspunda nu" la majoritatea provocarilor, accepta un un pariu si timp de un an de zile, incearca o atitudine diferita, pozitiva; pe scurt trebuie sa " spuna da" cam la tot ce inainte refuza politicos.

Replicile din carte sunt pur si simplu savuroase, e imposibil sa nu te regasesti, iar opiniile Shondei te cuceresc pe loc.

Cat despre femei, ei bine ganditi-va un pic la personajele pe care le-a creat : Meridith Grey, Cristina Young, Olivia Pope.

Si pentru ca este ziua internationala a femeii, iata un fragment memorabil, despre imposibilitatea femeilor de a accepta complimente:

I can stand and pose like Wonder Woman all day long but that doesn't make me Wonder Woman. Because when her hands come off her hips and she walked away, Wonder Women never said to her friend " No, gosh, I'm not a hero. I hardly did anything. I mean, if I didn't have the lasso and these bracelets, I'd totally be lost...I mean , I'm just a six-foot-tall Amazon girl with a dream" 

Wonder Woman does not fake it

Wonder Woman is a study in badassery.

It's a word 



  1. (noun) the practice of knowing one's own accomplishments and gifts
  2. (noun) the practice of living life with swagger: swagger ( noun or verb)  a state of being that involves loving one self, waking up " like this" and not giving a crap what anyone else thinks about you. Term first coined by William Shakespeare

Wonder Woman is not faking it. Wonder Woman Means it. Wonder Woman is all swagger and badassery. 

Compliment Wonder Woman and she'll be all" Yeah, I'm a hero. yeah, I saved the world, What's next?"

Wonder Woman isn't worried that her friend is going to feel bad. Wonder woman isn't concerned people will think that she's better than they are.

If Serena Williams tells a reporter something like " I am the best tennis player you will see in your lifetime", "I'm betting she isn't worried that  people will think she's better than they are at tennis. Because she is Serena Williams.

That's swagger. That's badassery.


And I think this is the thing: everyone's got some greatness in them. 

You do. That girl over there does it. The guy to the left has some. But in order to really mine it, you have to own it. You have to grab and hold of it. 


I can take a compliment now. Thank you. Smile.


I want to feel free to swagger. 

I strive for badassery.

Men do it all the time. Take the compliment and run. they don't make themselves smaller.. they don't apologise for being powerful. They don't downplay their accomplishments. 

Badassery. I'm discovering, it;s a new level of confidence- in both yourself and those around you.

whatever it is, it still comes down to Wonder Woman. you stand like that, in that pose, and after a while, you start to feel like Wonder Woman and people start to look at you and SEE Wonder Woman and oddly, that makes them feel better when they are around you.

People like being around whole, health, happy people. " 


Enjoy! Badassery 🙂


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